GAP Services
AHH provides General Assistance Program (GAP) services, one-time emergency services for individuals in need of housing, transportation, and resources. These services include:
- Transportation service to and from treatment programs;
- Meal service programs for homeless and/or hungry individuals;
- Connection to key resources, including shelters for women and children in need;
- Outreach programs specifically focused on assisting homeless youth and homeless senior citizens; and
- Assistance with police interventions for homeless individuals.
AHH’s robust roster of trusted partners in the healthcare, mental health, social services sector enables it to excel at connecting homeless individuals to the services, support, and programs they need to rehabilitate and reinvigorate in their lives.
Transportation Services
It is important to highlight the importance of transportation in the lives of those struggling with recent incarceration and homelessness. The lack of reliable, timely, and safe transportation leaves an enormous gap in the aid needed by individuals working to rebuild their lives. Transition from homelessness requires connection to different resources for mental/physical health, legal documents, job interviews and various appointments often miles apart. For those released from incarceration it is a snowball effect when someone needs to reach numerous appointments within the first weeks of their release including finding employment. Expecting someone with highly limited resources leads many to retract to old people/places to even stay current with work and appointments. This reflects the importance of being able to provide seamless transitions through transportation, and how this key element aids in filling the gap among service providers.