Discharge Planning & Execution
AHH provides discharge planning and execution services that meet the needs of homeless individuals where they are. The program assists patients and case workers of hospitals, detox facilities, treatment or housing agencies, and jails/courts in creating and executing plans for otherwise homeless people being discharged. The process starts with a needs assessment in the facility of the referring agency to find the best plan for the individual. AHH provides homeless individuals with the help they need to find housing, receive medical treatment, access employment and education opportunities, and meet the demands of daily life after being released from hospitalization or while transitioning to a new recovery program. These services reduce recidivism for participants, increase care coordination between healthcare and social service organizations, and help families across the Kansas City Metro and surrounding region to keep their loved ones safe, healthy, and secure. On average, AHH helps approximately 750 people through its Discharge Planning & Execution Programs each year.

The impact of the organization can be seen from two urban core hospitals who cited AHH as a primary method of providing service to homeless patients being discharged during their reaccreditation process.
Since expanding the program philosophy to Lawrence (KS) in 2019, AHH has partnered with Douglas County Reentry to assist those exiting incarceration and pursuing a chance to make a change, striving to break the cycle of incarceration and homelessness.
Read More:
Brandon Scrimsher – Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Re-Entry Success Story